Occupational Therapy
Skills for the Job of Living
Occupational therapy places an emphasis on restoring function, so that patients can get back to everyday activities and manage as independently as possible – whether at home, school or work. Areas of functionality may include:
- Activities of Daily Living - Mastering the skills of eating, bathing, dressing and personal hygiene, so patients don't have to depend on others for help.
- Upper Extremity Range of Motion, Strength, Coordination and Endurance - Increasing physical abilities to promote independence.
- Advanced Training - Specialized training in LSVT BIG to address movement in Parkinson's Disease and Lymphedema treatment.
- Visual-perceptual and Cognitive Retraining – For patients with congenital or acquired challenges, this training improves how they perceive and interact with their environment, so they can become as independent as possible.
- Adaptation of Environment – Specialized equipment that can help patients be as independent as possible.
Returning to the Workplace
Returning patients to the work environment after a debilitating illness or injury can require additional rehabilitative therapy. MyMichigan addresses that with special work programming services.
Costs, Insurance and Referrals
Occupational therapy services are most often paid for by insurance or worker's compensation. If you have questions about coverage, your insurance carrier or your employer's benefits department is the best source of information.
For evaluation, ask your doctor for a referral to MyMichigan's occupational therapy program.